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Top 5 Biggest Prehistoric Sea Monsters

We enjoy Hollywood Movies having Big sea Monsters like Mega sharks, Giant octopus, etc., but Do you Know once they also Rules this world. In this article we will talk about some Prehistoric Sea Monsters that Really existed once on this Planet.
5) Tylosaurus
Tylosaurus was one of the largest sea monster that lived on Earth towards the end of the Cretaceous period. The tail of this sea monster consisted of more that eighty vertebrae. There is also evidence to suggest that Tylosaurus fed upon dinosaurs, which are most dangerous land predators in the Jurassic period.
4) Pliosaurus funkei

Pliosaurus was a giant marine reptile that found in the seas roughly 150 million years ago. Pliosaurus funky is about 40 feet long bodies and had a massive 6.5-foot-long skull with a bite four times as powerful as T-Rex (The most predacious carnivores Dinosaur).
3) Mosasaurus

Mosasaurus a Sea monster having gigantic Size and Weighs 28 Tons. They are Carnivores. These apex predators of the prehistoric deep sea can feast on all manner of ocean life. Their double-hinged jaws open wide for any prey, including Plesiosaurs and great white sharks.
2) Liopleurodon

The Name Liopleurodon Means Smooth-Sided Teeth. They were founded 160 million to 150 million years ago in the Jurrasic deep sea. It was an apex predator of the Middle to Late Jurassic seas that covered Europe.
1) Megalodon

Megalodon, meaning big tooth. This monster is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 23 to 3.6 million years ago on this planet. The largest Megalodon tooth measures around 7 inches. 
Megalodon was an Apex predator at that time. It fed on other big marine mammals, like whales and dolphins. It also fed on other sharks of small size.

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