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- India has tropical monsoon type of climate. It is greatly influenced by the presence of Himalayas in the North as they block the cold masses from central Asia. It is because of Himalayas that the monsoon shed their water in India.

- The tropic of cancer (23.5°N) divide india into two almost equal climatic zones, namely, the northern zone (subtropical) and the southern zone (tropical).

- The warm temperature or the sub-tropical climate of the northern zone gives it cold winter seasons and hot summer seasons.
- The southern tropical climate zone is warmer than the North and does not have a clear cut winter season.

- The southern zone has the mid-day sun almost vertically overhead at least twice every year and the northern zone does not have the mid-day sun vertically overhead during any part of the year.

              The factors influencing the climate of india are

(a) Physiography
Such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, direction of wind and amount of rainfall.

(b) Monsoon Wind

It is the most dominating factor of Indian climate. The south-west summer monsoon from the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal bring rainfall to the entire country. Besides the north-east winter monsoon traveling from land to sea causes rainfall along the Coromandel coast after getting moisture from the Bay of Bengal.

(c) El Nino

It is a narrow warm current, which occasionally appears off the coast of Peru in December by temporarily replacing the cold Peru current.

(d) La Nina

It is the reverse of El Nino. It is a harbinger of heavy monsoon showers in India.

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